Ecuador: Pasillo, Yarabi, and Marimba

The most popular form of traditional music in Ecuador is Pasillo.  As with almost all the other musics of South America, it has been influenced greatly by Africans and Europeans. However, the thing about Pasillo is that every region/town has given it its own characteristics. Pasillo is played with a guitar and rondin (a flute-like instrument). Pasillo is usually at a slow tempo and descends from the waltz. Lyrics are usually sentimental and poetic, describing melancholy themes.

Yarabi is also very popular in Ecuador. It originates from the the Andes mountain region of Ecuador. It is characterized by its sadness and slow tempo as well. The mood of Yarabi comes from the sufferings of the Indigenous and African populations from the European conquerors. It was these sad songs that helped them dance and be happy. Nevertheless, with its melancholy melody, Yarabi tends to have an upbeat tempo.

Another traditional form of Ecuadorian music is Marimba. Marimba is a unique form of music because it has stayed relatively unchanged from its Western African roots. The marimba is played with a musical instrument with the same name. It has wooden bars that to produce a chromatic scale and is played with small mallets. Marimba was introduced from the Esmeraldas (Ecuador's green province).


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